Monday, April 19, 2010

waitForPageToLoad() - Hate It!!!!

So a 'clickAndWait' in IDE is actually exported as click() and then waitForPageToLoad(). In some instance, it actually causes an expection when run in RC with the message - [timed out waiting for window '']. It simply drives me crazy when this happens for no reason!!

Anyway, some looking and found this opinion in the google gp -

So, now if I have a click that is not actually loading a new page, but is just refreshing something on the same page, I remove the waitForPageToLoad command completely. Has had some success, though I havent tested it thoroughly in different scenarios yet.
Another thing I did - I use the -Dselenium.slowMode=2000 option to start Selenium RC. I increased it from 1000 to 2000. Hopefully that is also making the difference as now the commands are executing slower.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Starting Selenium RC

Selenium can be started with different options.
One of them is -multiWindow

I cant remember where I found this option and for what purpose I had included it in my startup, so to find out its purpose, I removed it to see what affect it has.
Removing that option has one change - previously the selenium test frame and the AUT frame would open as 2 different tabs in IE. Now, after removing the -multiWindow option, AUT runs in the same frame and I dont see the selenium test frame.

cd C:\selenium-remote-control-1.0-beta-2\selenium-server-1.0-beta-2
java -jar selenium-server.jar -interactive -proxyInjectionMode -Dselenium.slowMode=1000
@REM -multiWindow

So -multiWindow was an option used prior to rel 1.0 of Selenium to load the AUT in full browser, instead of loading it in a lower frame.
Since 1.0, this is the default behavior of Selenium, so there is no need to specify that option explicitly.
I have Selenium 1.0 beta installed and I think my using -multiWindow was actually negating the default -multiWindow and hence loading AUT in lower frame.
Mystery solved!!