Saturday, March 8, 2008

Get_window_id() cant be used to retrieve windowID of the current window

Ever since I have started testing using Selenium, I have had this issue where the waitforpagetoload() results in a 'timed out waiting for window "" to appear' error. This incidently doesnt happen on all waitforpagetoload() methods in the script.
So, I figured, if I could some how find the window_id of the window being looked for, I can look more deeper into why that window is not 'appearing'. I added a get_window_id() method to the script to retrieve that id, but turns out, it cant be used in such scenarios.
As per this post in the Selenium forum, there are other ways the method can be used - but those apply to pop-up windows...There arent any method for the current window and I think this is the reason, the get_window_id() method returns no value for current window...
Too bad...


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